Category: Uncategorized
6 week body re-composition programme.
Recently I have been working with Scarlett in preparation for her winter holiday to Las Vegas. Since August 1st, she’s lost over 4kg in body weight, 5 inches from her waist, 2″ from her hips and one off her thighs and arms. There’s been no extreme alterations to her diet, instead the programme has allowed […]
Steve Prescott Foundation Fell Run
On a very wet and wild Saturday morning, the team headed out into the fells to help raise money for the Steve Prescott Foundation, led by charity ambassador and gym member Barrie McDermott. Forty people set off from Locker 19 on one of three routes (3/4.5/6.2 mile) at 10am. After tackling the infamous Heart Break […]
A third post
Praesent maximus congue erat, ut tincidunt nibh tincidunt ut. Quisque quis hendrerit turpis, eget condimentum lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam rhoncus fermentum nunc a aliquet. Pellentesque non erat convallis, luctus est non, tempus arcu. Vivamus pretium, erat at imperdi
A new post about our gym and what we’re up to
Praesent maximus congue erat, ut tincidunt nibh tincidunt ut. Quisque quis hendrerit turpis, eget condimentum lacus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam rhoncus fermentum nunc a aliquet. Pellentesque non erat convallis, luctus est non, tempus arcu. Vivamus pretium, erat at imperdiet posuere, massa metus aliquam turpis, tristique elementum lacus risus a tortor. Phasellus lobortis nisi […]
A post about our gym
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus a dui suscipit, porttitor turpis convallis, tincidunt diam. Etiam quis iaculis massa, eget luctus ipsum. Etiam suscipit nunc et purus dapibus, sed luctus lacus rutrum. Vivamus quis velit varius, posuere leo id, mattis tortor. Vivamus consectetur pulvinar tristique. Quisque nec ornare mi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique […]